Digging in your heals instead of taking a critique -a push- to better support the safety and well-being of people of color is an act of privilege and white supremacy. If you can’t talk about actions you’ve taken to support the safety and well-being of people of color (writing to legislators about issues that affect POC, encouraging others to support policy initiatives that protect POC, working to make sure a school has books and toys that represent all races, calling institutions when a POC reports a racist incident on social media, etc), you’re not doing what a true ally does.
And I never used the word servant. I simply said you don’t get cookies for seeking services from people who don’t look like you. You’re not a real ally or anti-racist if that’s what you consider being an ally, while black folks are being shot indiscriminately by cops, arrested at astronomical higher rates than whites, being passed up for jobs and for promotions bc of their race, being punished more frequently and for longer periods, etc, and you take no actions to correct any of this. Seeking services from people who don’t look like you is the floor, not the ceiling.